Painless Ear Wax Removal Singapore | Ear Cleaning

Say goodbye to the discomfort and inconvenience of earwax buildup! Our team of experienced ENT specialists are here to provide you with safe, effective, and painless ear wax removal in Singapore.


With years of expertise and the latest tools such as an ear microscope and micro suction at our disposal, we are equipped to deliver quick and effective relief from earwax-related symptoms. From gentle and precise techniques to thorough ear cleaning, we are dedicated to ensuring your complete comfort and satisfaction.


Whether you’re looking for relief from discomfort or simply seeking routine cleaning of the ear, we are here to provide you with the best possible care. Trust only an ENT specialist with your ears. Contact us today and experience the relief and peace of mind that come with professional ear wax removal and cleaning services!

What is Ear Wax?

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a yellowish / brownish waxy substance produced by glands in the ear. These glands are present in the outer part of the ear canals.
Ear wax production is normal and natural, and is the best part of your body’s defenses against ear infection. It cleans, protects as well as lubricates the ear canal from dust, foreign particles and bacteria. It also protects the canal skin from irritation due to water.
In normal circumstances, excess ear wax finds its way out of the ear canals naturally. This natural cleaning system sweeps ear wax out like a conveyor belt, and out of the ear opening.

What Does Ear Wax Look Like?

The appearance of ear wax varies from light yellow to dark brown.
Darker colored ear wax does not necessarily indicate that there is a blockage.
Ear Wax Color

How Do I Know If I Need Ear Wax Removal?

Impacted ear wax refers to earwax buildup that is stuck in the ear canal, and cannot be removed by the patient. This may affect one or both ears. Symptoms include:

  • Ear discomfort or earache
  • A sensation of fullness in the ear, or a sensation of blocked ears
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Temporary hearing loss
  • Difficulty using hearing aids

Unremoved earwax buildup can potentially lead to an ear infection. If you have symptoms which are suggestive of ear infection, such as:

Please consider consulting a doctor or an ear, nose, throat specialist to ascertain the correct diagnosis.

If I Have A Blocked Ear, Do I Have Impacted Earwax?

Earwax impaction is only one of the causes of a blocked ear. Other causes include:

What Causes Impacted Ear Wax?

A blockage or impacted earwax is usually caused by an overproduction of ear wax or incorrect cleaning. Narrow ear canals or high skin cell turnover may also lead to a buildup of ear wax.
Actually, the most common cause of earwax buildup is removing earwax incorrectly. Often, instead of cleaning it out the earwax build up ends up being pushed deeper inside the ear. Prolonged and frequent earbud, ear plug or hearing aid usage can also potentially cause impacted earwax build up, as the earbuds, ear plugs or hearing aids can prevent ear wax from naturally coming out from the ear canal.

How Can I Safely Perform Ear Wax Removal At Home? How Can I Unclog My Ears At Home?

Most cases of mild earwax blockage can be treated at home. The following remedies can be used to soften wax in the ear:
  • Baby oil
  • Olive oil
  • Mineral oil
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
An eyedropper can be used to apply a few drops of either of these remedies into the ear; this is done to soften and relieve the ear wax impaction. Application of these remedies may need to be continued for a few days or up to a week. Once soft, the wax may be able to come out by itself.

The History Of Ear Wax Removal

Some of us might remember having a hair cut, and then having our ear wax removed. Believe it or not, ear wax removal was once the premise of the barber, and clients would have their ears cleaned every time they sat in the chair.
After a haircut, they would insert a variety of metal implements into the ear in an attempt to remove earwax from the client; with claims that this was the best and only way to clean ears. Needless to say, this undoubtedly resulted in a fair number of injuries to the ear canal, damage to the ear drum and resultant hearing loss. That was the price to pay for ear wax removal at that time.
This practice still lives on in certain barber shops in Singapore, and is also prevalent in our neighboring countries.
Our best advice is to always go to a professional who practices a proper earwax removal method, who can see what they are doing, and not remove your ear wax blindly.
ear wax removal singapore

What Dissolves Earwax Best?

There are numerous commercial solutions, including chemical ear drops which can help to dissolve or dislodge ear wax. These include:

Waxsol Eardrops
Tropex Eardrops
Audisol Ear Wax Remover
Audiclean Ear Wax Remover
Olive Oil Ear Drops
A-Cerumen Spray / Ear Drops

The chemical ear drops are not necessarily more effective than the usual home remedies of baby / olive / mineral oil or hydrogen peroxide.

What Is Ear Candling? Does Ear Candling Work?

Ear candles are hollow cones made of fabric covered in paraffin wax, beeswax, or soy wax. Most ear candles are about 25-30cm in length. The pointed end of the candle is placed in the ear canal and the slightly wider end of the candle is lit.
Ear candling practitioners claim that the heat created by the flame causes suction. This suction drags earwax and other impurities out of the ear canal and into the hollow candle, removing earwax. Some also believe that the heat from the candle melts and softens the ear wax, which subsequently falls out of the ear over the next few days.
Medical professionals agree that ear candling is not recommended to remove ear wax. It can potentially cause serious harm to your ear. The flame or the melted wax could burn; or candle wax may even drip into the  ear canal, clog the passage, and cause hearing loss. There have also been reports of perforated entire eardrums, ear infection and middle ear injury after ear candling.
ear candling dangers

How Does An Ear, Nose & Throat Doctor Perform Ear Wax Removal?

An ear, nose and throat specialist can perform the ear wax removal procedure by visualizing the ear with an ear microscope, then removing the excess earwax buildup in a a few ways: earwax removal methods include using a small curved instrument called an ear curette, via aural ear micro suction or with micro-forceps. Removal of earwax build up under direct visualization is the best way to remove the ear wax blockage.


If ear wax buildup is recurrent, regular wax-removal medications may be recommended, in addition to a regular earwax removal procedure.

removal of ear wax with forceps

At our practice, we have the necessary tools, equipment and experience to provide earwax cleaning services safely and painlessly.  We are also able to perform a formal hearing test should your condition require it.

Can I See A Video Of Ear Wax Removal?

Please see this video, for how ear wax removal is performed by a professional, using aural microsuction. This was a patient who had a habit of using cotton buds, and ended up pushing the ear wax deeper into the ear canal, resulting in a blocked ear and hearing loss.
Microsuction was used to gently tease the ear wax off the sides of the ear canal, and eventually remove it, revealing a normal translucent eardrum behind it.

Does Professional Ear Wax Cleaning Hurt?

Professional cleaning of ear wax should not hurt. Due to the multitude of instruments used to get ear wax out of the ear, the patient may experience loud vacuum-like sounds with an ear micro suction procedure, as well as experience a pulling or peeling sensation in the ear when the procedure is being performed, causing some slight discomfort. Bleeding and ear pain should not occur, unless the ear wax is extremely hard or impacted.


Professional earwax removal services are important for maintaining ear health and comfort. If you are experiencing symptoms such as ear discomfort, fullness blocked ears, partial hearing loss, or tinnitus, it is possible that you may have impacted earwax. While using a cotton bud to clean your ears is not recommended, there are safe methods for removing earwax at home, such as using a few drops of mineral oil or hydrogen peroxide. However, it is important to note that attempting to remove earwax at home can be dangerous, especially if you are using objects that can damage the ear canal or eardrum.


Seeking the services of a qualified ear, nose, and throat specialist for earwax removal is the best way to ensure safe and effective treatment. They have the expertise and tools necessary to remove earwax without causing harm to your ears. Additionally, they can identify and treat any underlying ear conditions that may be causing your symptoms.


If you are considering ear candling, it is important to note that this method is not recommended by medical professionals. Ear candling can potentially cause serious harm to your ear, such as burns or a perforated eardrum. Additionally, there is little to no scientific evidence to support the claims that ear candling is effective for earwax removal.


In summary, if you are experiencing discomfort or other symptoms related to earwax build up, it is important to seek the services of a qualified ear, nose and throat specialist for safe and effective treatment. Avoid using  a cotton bud or other objects to remove earwax, and do not attempt ear candling. Instead, trust your ear health to a consummate expert who can provide the care and expertise you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Using a cotton bud in the ear generally pushes earwax deeper and deeper in. Once the excess earwax gets deeper and deeper inside, unfortunately there is no way for the wax to get swept out of the ear naturally.

Every patient who uses cotton buds emphasizes that they are very careful about how deep they insert the cotton bud into the ear. However, accidents can happen, and are more common than you might think.
We have seen patients who use them on the outer ear and and accidentally bump them, pushing the cotton bud deep into the ear canal, which resulted in immediate pain, bleeding, a perforated ear drum and middle ear damage which may required ear surgery and repair.

Ear digging is a habit that quite a few patients have picked up since young. Parents may also have educated their children that one needs their ears cleaned of the excess earwax regularly.
Studies have been done on ear wax, and most specialists believe in the migration theory – that new skin lining cells form at the eardrum, before migrating to the outer edges of the eardrum. From there, the new skin lining cells move in a circle outward towards the entrance of the ear canal, pushing and carrying the ear wax with it – a self cleaning mechanism. Any interruption to this self cleaning mechanism, either with cotton swabs or metal / plastic implements, can disrupt this normal behavior and cause ear wax to be stuck, clogging up the ears.

If all conservative measures have failed, or if you are experiencing symptoms such as pain, ear discharge, fever, dizziness or vertigo, please see an ENT Specialist for professional earwax removal. Patients who are using hearing aids may also require earwax removal, as occasionally earwax can block up the vent in the hearing aids.

General practitioners are excellent in making the diagnosis of ear wax impaction and instituting first-line treatment. Some general practitioners are also able to perform ear syringing / ear irrigation where a jet of water is used to flush the ear wax out. This is a well recognized ear wax removal method. However, ear irrigation may not work well for all patients. Some patients who undergo ear syringing or ear irrigation end up getting water trapped in between the eardrum and clump of ear wax, which can cause even more pain and discomfort. Ear irrigation may not work for everyone, and it may be best to choose aural ear micro suction, instead of ear irrigation if the ear canal is packed full of wax.
